Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Meet the Expert: Prof. Norman Daniels - Justice and Feasibility

Termin: 20.10.2015, 10:00 Uhr, bis 20.10.2015, 13:00 Uhr

ceres, Universitätsstr. 91a, 50931 Köln

Referenten: Prof. Norman Daniels

Weitere Informationen:

Kurzbeschreibung: Many times, new political and practical ideas on the ethical improvement of societal interactions and political regulation are quickly marked “infeasible” by opponents and critics, often to be met in turn by an argument of “ought implies can.”

In this workshop, Prof. Daniels will first explore the distinctive senses of “feasibility,” giving a plausible account of the slogan “ought implies can”, and will thus deal with ethics and justice, “taking people as they are" (or as they can potentially be).


Veranstalter: cologne center for ethics, rights, economics, and social sciences of health (ceres) und Universität zu Köln

Schlagworte: Gesundheitswesen, Medizinische Ethik
