Titel: Personalized Medicine – Challenges and Opportunities
ETH Zurich
Rämistrasse 101, F30
8092 Zürich
Referenten: Robert H. Austin, PhD (Princeton University, US) *** Valérie Barbié, PhD (SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, CH) *** Richard Batrla-Utermann, PhD (Roche Diagnostics, CH) *** Yaakov Benenson, PhD (ETH Zurich, CH) *** Jeffrey Bischoff, PhD (Zimmer Biomet Inc., US) *** Victor M. Darley-Usmar, PhD (University of Alabama at Birmingham, US) *** Denis Duboule, PhD (Latsis Foundation) *** Sadaf Farooqi, PhD (University of Cambridge, UK) *** Philippe Froguel, MD, PhD (Imperial College London, UK) *** Julien Gagneur, PhD (Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, DE) *** Detlef Günther, PhD (ETH Zurich, CH) *** Amy E. Herr, PhD (University of California, Berkeley, US) *** Denis Horgan (European Alliance for Personalised Medicine, BE) *** Peter Hunter, PhD (University of Auckland, NZL) *** Wolfgang Kainz, PhD (FDA - Food and Drug Administration, US) *** Thomas S. Kupper, MD (Brigham and Women's Hospital/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School, US) *** Vartan Kurtcuoglu, PhD (University of Zurich, CH) *** Niels Kuster, PhD (ETH Zurich / IT'IS Foundation, CH) *** Thomas Lengauer, PhD (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE) *** Mathieu Lupien, PhD (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre & University of Toronto, CA) *** Esra Neufeld, PhD (IT’IS Foundation, CH) *** Grace Peng, PhD (National Institute of Biomedical Imaging & Bioengineering, US) *** Tobias Preusser, PhD (Fraunhofer MEVIS, DE) *** Stephen Quake, PhD (Stanford School of Medicine, US) *** Gunnar Rätsch, PhD (ETH Zurich, CH) *** Mark A. Rubin, MD (Weill Cornell Medicine, US) *** Sohrab Shah, PhD (University of British Columbia, CA) *** Mona Singh, PhD (Princeton University, US) *** Nikolaos Stergiopulos, PhD (EPF Lausanne, CH) *** Roman Thomas, PhD (University of Cologne, DE) *** Yiannis Ventikos, PhD (University College London, UK) *** Marco Viceconti, PhD (University of Sheffield, UK)
Weitere Informationen:
The Competence Center Personalized Medicine UZH/ETH Zurich and the IT'IS Foundation, with generous support from the International Latsis Foundation, are joining forces to organize a three-day interdisciplinary symposium to explore the opportunities afforded by precision medicine and to address the challenges of making it a reality.
The Competence Center Personalized Medicine (CC-PM) UZH/ETH Zurich coordinates and actively supports interdisciplinary research of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University Hospitals in Zurich in the field of genome-based healthcare. The 35 professional members of the CC-PM and their research groups bring expertise from many different departments of ETHZ and various medical faculties of the University of Zurich and the University Hospital of Zurich. The competencies of the CC-PM include theranostics, cell and tissue banking resources, and IT approaches for merging (epi)genetic and clinical datasets.
The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT'IS) is an independent, nonprofit research foundation dedicated to improving and advancing the quality of people’s lives through technology. IT'IS researchers, together with spinoff ZMT Zurich Medtech, are developing Sim4Life, a platform of multi-physics, multi-scale simulation tools for optimization of individual diagnostic, treatment planning, and therapeutic approaches for use with the Virtual Population, a suite of computational human phantoms.
Working together, CC-PM and IT'IS promise to deliver a program of unprecedented depth and breadth. The program will consist of invited lectures and keynote presentations from global leaders in the field in a series of themed sessions covering the various aspects of precision medicine, from genes and genomes to computational humans to clinical implementation. Early career scientists will have the opportunity to participate in poster sessions, and student posters will be selected for awards. The symposium will close with a public event with panel discussion (in German).
Silke Schneider, PhD
Competence Center Personalized Medicine
Voltastrasse 24
CH-8044 Zurich
+41-44-634 15 25
Veranstalter: The Latsis Symposium of ETH Zurich is a prestigious annual event. The selection of the symposium's theme – always a topic of ground-breaking importance – and its organizers is made on the basis of a competitive application process. The Fondation Latsis Internationale, a non-profit, public benefit foundation established in 1975, has been supporting the annual Latsis Symposium at ETH Zurich since 1986. The theme of the symposium must relate to an area in which research is being conducted at ETH Zurich and which is of interest to the general public. , , The Latsis Symposium ETH Zurich 2016 on personalized medicine is jointly organized by the Competence Center Personalized Medicine UZH/ETH Zurich and the IT'IS Foundation.
Schlagworte: AIDS, Genforschung/-technik, Genomanalyse, Gentherapie, Organ-/Gewebetransplantation, Pharmazeutik