Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: 22. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gentherapie e.V.

Termin: 14.9.2016, 9:00 Uhr, bis 16.9.2016, 13:00 Uhr

Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (NCT) Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 460
69120 Heidelberg

Referenten: Frank Buchholz (TU Dresden, Germany) *** Hildegard Büning (University of Colone, Germany) *** Maria Gabriella Campadelli-Fiume (University of Bologna, Italy) *** Hans Ulrich Dodt (Medical University Vienna, Austria) *** Michael Kormann (University Children’s Hospital Tübingen, Germany) *** Bruce L. Levine (University of Pennsylvania, USA) *** Gabriele Thumann (University of Geneva, Switzerland) *** Adrian Thrasher (UCL, UK) *** Alena Shukumatava (Institut Curie, France) *** Grant D. Trobridge (Washington University, USA) *** Shengdar Tsai (Havard Medical School, USA) *** Xiaobing Wu (Beijing Ruicy Gene Therapy Institute for Rare Dideases, Asia)

Weitere Informationen:

Kurzbeschreibung: The field of gene therapy continues to progress, with improvements in viral vector profiles, stem cell culturing techniques, and site-specific genome editing platforms. Here, human genome research has recently entered a crucial new phase. Editing of the genome is advancing much faster than considered possible even two years ago. Immunotherapies are being developed for a significant number of patients and diseases. We are quickly moving towards a time when gene therapy may be part of standard cellular therapy for cancer. The future of gene therapy is promising!

At the XXII annual meeting of the German Society for Gene Therapy (DG-GT e.V.) in Heidelberg, translational gene therapy as applied to human disease will be our focus:

- Trial logistics, preclinical animal model systems and validation studies as well as clinical trial reports which have significant impact for the field
- basic science studies of mechanisms of gene transfer and control of expression
- cell-based therapies including all aspects of stem cells and genetically modified cellular approaches
- novel technological developments for gene transfer, control and silencing, including the CRISPR revolution

There are going to be exciting discussions! See you in Heidelberg!

Kontakt: Stephanie Laufs
Tel.: +49 6221 42-1612

Veranstalter: German Society for Gene Therapy e.V. (DG-GT e.V.), National Center for Tumor Diseases Heidelberg, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg University Hospital

Schlagworte: Genetische Tests/Beratung, Genforschung/-technik, Gentherapie
