Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Bioethics Conference

Termin: 24.10.2016 bis 25.10.2016

Aarhus University

Referenten: Professor Ruth Faden, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University *** Professor Tom L. Beauchamp, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University

Kurzbeschreibung: The Center for Bioethics and Nanoethics is proud to announce this conference featuring two prominent scholars of bioethics:

- Professor Ruth Faden, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University
- Professor Tom L. Beauchamp, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University.

Ruth Faden will lecture on “Ethical Issues in the Zika Virus Vaccine Trials and Pregnancy”

Tom L. Beauchamp will close the conference by giving the first K.E. Loegstrup Lecture: “A Defense of Universal Principles and Common Morality”.

Researchers from Aarhus University will open interdisciplinary discussions on informed consent in biomedical trials and on the four principles of biomedical ethics in Beauchamp and Childress’ seminal book.

Kontakt: Ulrik B. Nissen
Centre for Bioethics og Nanoethics
Aarhus University
Tåsingegade 3
Building 1453
8000 Aarhus C

Fax: +45.8716 2461

Veranstalter: The Center for Bioethics and Nanoethics
