Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: 2nd International Symposium "Big Data in Medicine"

Termin: 5.10.2016, 9:00 Uhr, bis 6.10.2016, 14:00 Uhr

HPI - Hasso-Plattner-Institut
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Straße 2-3
14482 Potsdam

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Kurzbeschreibung: This year's Forum focusses on the topic "Diagnostics in the Era of Big Data and Systems Medicine". New developments and recent challenges in this area are presented during the following sessions:

- Big Data: From -Omics to Sensing to Clinical Utility

- Big Data for Biomarker Discovery

- Biobanking, Data Analysis and

- Biomarkers - Concepts and Case Studies

- Precision Medicine, Big Data and Citizen Data Access

- Clinical and Translational Biomarkers in Drug Development

The Forum is organized in cooperation with the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and Novartis.

As every year, the event is rounded off by an industrial exhibition, company presentations, a partnering event and an evening reception.

