Titel: Freedom & Responsibility: Leading for Well-Being
Hintere Grabenstraße 26
72070 Tübingen
Referenten: Michael Pirson (Professor for Social Entrepreneurship and Global Sustainability, Fordham University, Fellow, Harvard University) *** Hunter Lovins (Professor of Sustainable Management at Bard School of Management, Club of Rome, President of Natural Capitalism Solutions) *** Claus Dierksmeier (Director Global Ethic Institute, University of Tübingen) *** Chris Laszlo (Char and Chuck Fowler Professor of Business as an Agent of World Benefit, and Executive Director of The Fowler Center, at Case Western Reserve University`s Weatherhead School of Management) *** Maurizio Zollo (Professor, Bocconi University) *** Christian Felber (Lecturer Vienna University, Economy for the Common Good) *** Andrew Winston (Author of "The Big Pivot") *** Jürgen Volkert (Professor Pforzheim University) *** Christopher Albrigo (RENACE Hydropower, DENCMI) *** Ernst von Kimakowitz (Humanistic Management Center) *** Anthony Annett (Adjunct Professor at Columbia University) *** Georges Blanc (Emeritus Professor HEC Paris / OECD) *** Jeffrey D. Sachs (Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development and Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University, Senior UN Advisor)
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Yet, in the last years, corporate scandals have led to increased questioning of the corporate license to operate. In step with an ever more acutely felt lack of social and environmental sustainability, the very freedom of corporations to do business the way they see fit, is coming under scrutiny. Not incidentally, the United Nations and the OECD, for instance, have recently called for new economic policies directed to higher levels of human wellbeing rather than sheer material wealth. These demands find their correlate in the work on part of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) to realize crucial sustainability goals worldwide. Geared to a qualitative optimization of options for all rather than at the quantitative maximization of choice for some, through such efforts the dimension of responsibility implicit in the idea of freedom is increasingly being explicated. The Humanistic Management Network has decided to center its annual conference on the theme “Freedom & Responsibility / Leading for Well-Being” so as to examine which conceptions of freedom prove most apt to bring about a life-conducive economy at service to all humans.
An academic Paper Development Workshop will precede the Conference and will take place on 12 October 2016 at the Weltethos-Institut (Global Ethic Institute). The Workshop addresses those who submitted papers and whose papers have been selected.
Hanna Schirovsky M.A.
Weltethos Institut / Global Ethic Institute
Hintere Grabenstraße 26
72070 Tübingen
+49 7071 54940-34
Fax: +49 7071 54940-40