Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Engineering and Life

Termin: 19.10.2016, 9:15 Uhr, bis 21.10.2016, 12:00 Uhr

Schloss Herrenhausen GmbH
Herrenhäuser Straße 5
30419 Hannover

Referenten: Roy Bar-Ziv (Weizmann Institute of Science) *** Magnus Berggren (Linköping University) *** Joachim Bill (Stuttgart University) *** David Cahen (Weizmann Institute of Science) *** Ciro Chiappini (King's College London) *** Marija Drndić (University of Pennsylvania) *** Malte Gather (University of St. Andrews) *** Sarah Heilshorn (Stanford University) *** Mihai Irimia-Vladu (Joanneum Research) *** Katharina Landfester (MPI for Polymer Research) *** George Malliaras (MINES Saint-Etienne) *** Andreas Offenhäusser (FZ Jülich) *** Stefan Schiller (Freiburg University) *** Joachim Spatz (MPI for Intelligent Systems) *** Luisa Torsi (University of Bari)

Weitere Informationen:

Kurzbeschreibung: The realms of life sciences and engineering are often separated by a large divide. Fortunately, the growing interest from both areas in jointly addressing common challenges is contributing to the creation of new scientific and technological disciplines. On the one hand, concepts from the biological world can be used to solve engineering problems. For instance, nature inspired material synthesis and assembly can enable solutions for challenges in energy storage and conversion or electronics sustainability. On the other hand, engineering approaches can be applied to the study, emulation, interfacing or extension of biological systems. Thus, contributing to the fundamental understanding of physiological/biochemical processes with deep impact on the development of technology in the field of healthcare, diagnostics, and human-machine interaction.

The potential synergies at the interface between electronics and the biosciences can be put into practice by an increased interaction between scientists and engineers from these complementary disciplines. Therefore, this conference aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for world-leading experts and newcomers from different backgrounds to exchange ideas and latest results. Topics will include:

Bio-inspired materials science

Bio-inspired electronics

Bio-molecular electronics

Semiconductor-cell interfaces

Engineering approaches to biological systems

Implantable electronics

Innovative healthcare applications

Kontakt: Annika Oruc
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik
Schleinitzstr. 22
38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 (0) 531 / 391 2007

Veranstalter: VolkswagenStiftung, KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, IL InnovationLab Forum Organic Electronics, Technische Universität Braunschweig

Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Gerardo Hernandez-Soza , (KIT and Innovationlab Heidelberg),, , Robert Lovrincic, (TU Braunschweig and Innovationlab Heidelberg),
