Titel: Justice and Priority Setting in Health Care. Intensive Course on Contemporary Ethical Issues regarding Choices in Health Care
3010 Leuven
Referenten: Irina Cleemput (Senior Health Economist, KCE, the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre, Brussels) *** Marc Dooms (Pharmacologist, Pharmacy Department, University Hospitals Leuven) *** Bart Engelen (Philosopher, Tilburg School of Humanities, Department of Philosophy, Tilburg University) *** Carlotte Kiekens (Rehabilitation-Physician, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University Hospitals Leuven) *** Jeroen Luyten (Economist and Philosopher, Leuven Institute for Health Care Policy, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven) *** Thomas Nys (Philosopher and Economist, Centre for Philosophy and Public Affairs, University of Amsterdam) *** Gerrit Rauws (Director at King Baudouin Foundation, Brussels) *** Erik Schokkaert (Economist and Psychologist, Centre for Economic Studies, KU Leuven Chairman of Metaforum) *** Paul Schotsmans (Theologian and Ethicist, Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven) *** Antoon Vandevelde (Philosopher, Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy & Centre for Economics and Ethics, KU Leuven) *** Johan Verstraeten (Theologian and Ethicist, Research Unit of Theological and Comparative Ethics KU Leuven) *** Angus Dawson (Professor of Bioethics Director of the Centre of Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia)
Weitere Informationen:
http://gbiomed.kuleuven.be/english/research/50000687/50000697/intensiv ...
Starting point of the course is the fact that contemporary health care systems face many challenges, which essentially boil down to the following question: How can we reconcile (1) the principle of justice and equity for all, with (2) the assignment of providing good quality care, and (3) the principle of economic sustainability?
The objective of this intensive course is to analyse the key issues at stake, both from a theoretical perspective and from the perspective of applied ethical questions.
This course works from an interdisciplinary perspective. During the course, an international group of philosophers, economists, theologians, physicians, nurses, pharmacologists, psychologists, lawyers, policy makers and health care managers, will focus on the issue of justice and priority setting in health care. There will be time for intensive discussions.
The language of instruction will be English.
The course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as medicine, philosophy, economy, sociology and theology and is open to health care workers, health care ethicists, people from the healthcare administration, health care managers, board members, policy makers, as well as to PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas.
Liesbet Degrie
KU Leuven
Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law
Kapucijnenvoer 35/3, box 7001
3000 Leuven
0032 16 32 62 39
Fax: 0032 16 33 69 52
Veranstalter: Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, Belgium
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Yvonne Denier (Philosopher and Ethicist, Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven and Zorgnet-Icuro (Care Network Flanders, Belgium))
Schlagworte: Gesundheitswesen