Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Desire to have children and genome-editing: Ethical, legal and social aspects of genome-editing in in-vitro fertilisation

Termin: 10.7.2017 bis 14.7.2017

Guest house of Tübingen University
Lessingweg 3
72076 Tübingen

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Kurzbeschreibung: New methods for genome-editing (CRISPR/Cas) are more efficient than those previously known. They could be applied in the prevention and therapy of diseases. However, several scientists called for moratoria on interventions in the germ line. In the United Kingdom, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has granted researchers permission to use genome-editing for research purposes in human embryos. The improvement of success rates of assisted reproduction is one of the possible outcomes that are discussed in relation to this research. Unfulfilled desire for children is acknowledged to cause suffering and assisted reproduction is widely accepted as a treatment. Research which can increase the success rates of in-vitro fertilization is likely to be very welcome. Due to the application of the new methods in the context of assisted reproduction, it is necessary to consider the benefits and risks of IVF and genome-editing together. The aim of the retreat is an international and comparative perspective with a focus on Germany and the United Kingdom, two countries which differ in terms of the regulation of genome-editing in the context of IVF.

Kontakt: Dr. phil. Selma Kadi
Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin
Gartenstraße 47
72074 Tübingen
Tel.: (0)7071 - 29 77 680
Fax: (0)7071 - 29 51 90

Schlagworte: Genforschung/-technik, Genomanalyse, In-vitro-Fertilisation
