Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: The Experience of Suffering. Philosophical, Cultural and Social Dimensions

Termin: 22.6.2017 bis 23.6.2017

Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 3

Referenten: Invited speakers: Dr. Asunción Herrera Guevara (University of Oviedo) *** Dr. Phil C. Langer (International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin) *** Dr. Silke Schicktanz (Medical University of Göttingen) *** Dr. Jayandra Soni (University of Innsbruck) *** Dr. Patrik Vandermeersch (University of Groningen) *** Dr. Gabrielle Werner-Felmayer (Innsbruck Medical University)

Weitere Informationen: ...

Kurzbeschreibung: The entire experience of suffering and the way in which we make sense of it is influenced by cultural and social patterns. Therefore, a phenomenon like suffering can only be understood from a holistic and an interdisciplinary approach. Suffering is at the same time a personal and a social experience. It affects people and their relationships at an existential, psychological, and physical level. Human suffering has always been treated through symbolical performances (rituals), narratives of meaning, religious explanations, and technical interventions in human cultures. A holistic approach to suffering should take into account all these dimensions, in order to put them together and design a general interpretation of what causes suffering, of how it affects human beings (and also non-human animals) and of how they face it.

The aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different research areas (particularly social and cultural philosophy, bioethics, anthropology, psychology, and biomedicine) who are working on the topic of suffering in order to stimulate an interdisciplinary discussion and an exchange of ideas. We will focus on the experience of suffering in its different dimensions, its perceptions, interpretations, expressions, and managements.


- How do cultural and social elements influence the experiences of suffering? What are the main contemporary resources for individuals in different societies in order to deal with suffering?
- How does techno-science determine the experience of suffering? Which resources and limitations does it entail? Is it desirable to abolish suffering?
- How does religion influence the management of suffering?
- What is the role of suffering in philosophical and moral theories? How do different philosophical approaches interpret suffering?
- What are the bioethical challenges of the current biomedical management of suffering?
- Suffering, self, and subjectivity
- Suffering and non-human animals
- Biopolitics and social suffering
- Suffering and the mind-body problem

Submission guidelines

This call for papers particularly addresses young researchers but is not limited in that regard. Abstracts should be around 500 words and include the author´s institutional affiliation if any. Please send abstracts to no later than 1st April 2017. Final decisions will be communicated by mid of April 2017.

The conference language is English.

Kontakt: Dr. Noelia Bueno-Gómez
Institut für Philosophie
Universität Innsbruck
Innrain 52d
6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 507 40210

Veranstalter: This conference is part of the research project The Experience of Suffering. From the Mystic-Ascetic Christian Tradition to the Techno-Scientific Approach, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): [M 2027-GBL], led by Dr. Noelia Bueno-Gómez in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Anne Siegetsleitner.
