Titel: International Summer School - BEYOND THE PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE? Ethical, legal and societal aspects of genome editing in agriculture
Termin: 2.10.2017 bis 6.10.2017
Schönwag 4
82405 Wessobrunn
Referenten: PD Dr. Alexander Bogner (Senior Sociologist at the ITA, Vienna) *** Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Dederer (Lehrstuhl für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Völkerrecht, Europäisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, Universität Passau) *** Prof. Dr Lynn Frewer (Professor of Food & Society, School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University) *** Prof. Dr. Angela Kallhoff (Professor of Ethics with Special Emphasis on Applied Ethics, University of Vienna, Austria, Faculty of Philosophy and Education) *** Prof. Dr. Joachim Schiemann (Former Head of the Institute for Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology at the Julius Kühn Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Quedlinburg) u.a.
Weitere Informationen:
The international summer school will analyse and discuss corresponding scientific, legal and ethical questions not least by comparing the ongoing debates in Germany and the United Kingdom. This comparison is of particular interest since the political discussions, ethical evaluations and the juridical frameworks in the two states can be considered as counterparts. In addition, contrasting the situation in Europe and in the USA will reveal the arguments offered in favour of and against the need for labelling.
The summer school will discuss current debates about the use of Genome Editing in agriculture through an international and multi-disciplinary dialogue. The aim is to develop recommendations for more consistent ethical evaluation and legal framing. For these purposes, the summer school invites young scientists from the fields of molecular biology and agricultural sciences as well as politics, law, sociology and philosophy/ethics.
Institut Technik-Theologie-Naturwissenschaften
an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 11
80333 München
+49 89 5595 600
Fax: + 49 89 5595 8600
Veranstalter: Institut Technik·Theologie·Naturwissenschaften an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Schlagworte: Genomanalyse, Grüne Gentechnik