Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: How to Support Children. An Interdisciplinary Study on Children with ADHD: First Results & Discussion

Termin: 23.5.2017 bis 24.5.2017

Fondation Brocher
Route d’Hermance 471 / CP 21
1248 Hermance

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Kurzbeschreibung: Presentation and discussion of first results of our subprojects within the interdisciplinary research project "How to support children with ADHD" with external experts from different fields. What are the medical, legal, ethical and social implications of these results? What are the main concern of our collegues? Can we collect ideas for guidelines throughout the the workshops?

Workshops at Brocher Foundation would allow a very intense scientific discussion of our first empirical results and their medical, legal, ethical and social implication with external experts from different fields. This workshop would help to review and guide our future research and improve our publications by identifying the synergies, and help to prepare and achieve our milestone, a conference in autumn 2017.

Team & Structure: Our on-going project is a cooperation between the University of Fribourg, the Collegium Helveticum (ETH/University of Zurich) and the Zurich University of Applied Science. Our trans- and interdisciplinary study consist of 5 subprojects in the fields of law, health-care science, clinical psychology, pharmacy and ethics. We are additionally supported by experts in the fields of child psychiatry, pediatrics, medicine and educational studies. Our research is funded partly by the Stiftung Mercator Schweiz (2015-2017).

Background: In the last years ADHD diagnoses and methylphenidate descriptions have increased. However, the exact numbers and causes for these changes in the medical practice are still unknown in Switzerland. The data and practices seem to differ in the three greater language regions of Switzerland. Therefore the question has arisen, whether the affected children are well supported by the actual social and medical practice. This academic void could require ethical, legal and social implications as the child’s best interest have to be secured.

Subject, Outcomes: Our multidisciplinary study wants to contribute to the support of children with ADHD by clarifying, whether the actual practice of diagnosis and therapy in Switzerland is in the child’s best interest, and whether changes are necessary. Therefore our common goal is to describe the actual social practice of diagnosis, therapy and the on-going support by 1) putting the child’s perspective as well as the child’s best interest in the center of attention 2) considering the different stakeholders (parents/health care professionals/teachers) 3) in the three regions in Switzerland. The outcomes of this study will be a brochure with information for parents and teachers as well as transdisciplinary and disciplinary scientific publications on the actual state of the children’s best interest as well as knowledge on the socio-cultural effect of the language regions of Switzerland. We hope that in a further step we can contribute to the area of policies (e.g. guidelines) on treatment and support, when it comes to ADHD and children.

Overall research questions:
1. Are the child’s best interests being considered in a balanced way?
2. What do the different stakeholders need in order to support children with ADHD?
3. Are there any differences in the language regions of Switzerland?

Kontakt: Fondation Brocher
Route d’Hermance 471 / CP 21
1248 Hermance
Tel.: +41 22 751 93 93
Fax: +41 22 751 93 91
