Titel: Next-Generation Medicine: Ethical, Social, Legal and Technological Questions of Genomic High-Throughput Sequencing in the Clinic.
Lecture Hall MED 25
Von-Siebold-Straße 3
37075 Goettingen
Referenten: Keynote Lecture: Dr. Leslie G. Biesecker (National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH, Head of Clinical Genomics Sections) *** Dr. Franziska Degenhardt (University of Bonn, Biomedical Center, Institute of Human Genetics) *** Dr. Jürgen Eils (German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University, Head of Data Management and Genomics IT) *** Prof. Dr. Ernst Hauck (Presiding Judge at the Federal Social Court, Kassel) *** Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker (University of Bremen, Research Managing Director of the Institute for Information, Health and Medical Law) *** Prof. Dr. Christophe Le Tourneau (Institut Curie, Paris, Department of Medical Oncology, Head of Early Phase Clinical Trials) *** Johanna Römmelt (German Society for Bipolar Disorders, Representative for affected people) *** PD Dr. Peter Wehling (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology)
Weitere Informationen:
At the same time, the clinical implementation of the rapid technological advances in the field of genomic high-throughput sequencing is accompanied by practical difficulties and uncertainties. The interpretation and reporting of genomic findings in clinical practice, e.g., in molecular tumor boards, becomes more complicated, challenging the traditional roles and qualifications of medical professionals. The increasing volume of huge and highly complex data sets also poses problems regarding sustainable infrastructures for management, integration and exploration of genomic sequencing data with other clinical data. And finally, the large pool of sensitive and ambiguous data raises ethical, legal, and social questions that are still in need of clarification, especially regarding informed consent, disclosure policies, and data protection: How can we protect patient autonomy and informational self-determination in view of huge amounts of genomic information with unclear clinical significance and future usage? What kinds of genomic information should be disclosed to patients and in what way? And how should we deal with so called incidental findings, that is, originally unintended information about a person’s genetic predispositions and medical conditions?
The international workshop brings together experts from the fields of medicine, ethics, social sciences, law, and biomedical informatics as well as the public. The aim is an interdisciplinary discussion of the opportunities and challenges posed by clinical applications of genomic high-throughput sequencing.
Veranstalter: Organized by the GenoPerspektiv Consortium (Ulrich Sax, PhD, Nadine Umbach, PhD) Department for Medical Informatics, University Medical Center Goettingen