Titel: 1997-2017: 20 years after the Oviedo Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine: What are the achieved gains and its potential?
Cultural Center
6, Diogenes Street
Engomi, Nicosia
Referenten: Keynotes: Dr. Christian Byk (Judge at the Court of Appeals, Paris) *** Prof. John Harris ( Lord Alliance Professor of Bioethics and Director of the Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation at the School of Law of University of Manchester, UK) *** Dr. George Serghides (Cypriot Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg) *** Dr. Rita Vassena (Scientific Director of Clinica EUGIN)
Weitere Informationen:
https://www.bmg.eur.nl/erasmus_observatory_on_health_law/conference_19 ...
Since the opening of the Treaty in 1997, only 35 member-states of the Council of Europe have signed it, 29 of which having also ratified it. For the remaining member-states of the Council of Europe signature and ratification are still pending. During the decade 1998 and 2008 and under the provisions of article 31 of the Convention, 5 Additional Protocols have been drawn up to expand the range of its general principles. What has happened since? Has the Convention and its Protocols really strengthened individual rights in the healthcare setting?
20 years after the opening, academics and professionals from different perspectives (law, medicine, ethics, sociology, and economics) will meet, discussing the main and latest developments in Biomedicine during a two-day conference.
Theodoros TROKANAS
European University Cyprus
Veranstalter: European University Cyprus (Nicosia), iBMG/Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands), GRIDES/Foundation Marqués de Valecilla-University of Cantabria (Spain)
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Theodoros TROKANAS, European University Cyprus (Nicosia), Joaquin CAYÓN, GRIDES/FMV-University of Cantabria (Spain), Andre DEN EXTER, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Schlagworte: Embryonenforschung, Fortpflanzungsmedizin, Genforschung/-technik, Genomanalyse, Gesundheitswesen, Organ-/Gewebetransplantation