Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Wilderness, Extinction and Rewilding: Rethinking Human Engagements with Nature

Termin: 21.8.2017, 9:00 Uhr, bis 22.8.2017, 16:30 Uhr

Sutherland Room
Holme Building
University of Sydney

Referenten: Kate Smolski (CEO, Nature Conservation Council of NSW) *** Rob Brewster (Rewilding Australia) *** Dieter Sturma (University of Bonn / Research Centre Juelich) *** Billy Griffith (University of Sydney) *** Dirk Lanzerath (University of Bonn) *** Markus Rüther (Research Centre Juelich) *** Killian Quigley (University of Sydney) *** Ann Elias (University of Sydney) *** Iain McCalman (University of Sydney) *** Juan Francisco Salazar (Western Sydney University) *** Chris Dickman (University of Sydney) *** Thom Newsome (University of Sydney) *** Lily van Eeden (University of Sydney) *** Ute Eikelkamp (University of Sydney) *** Adriana Verges (University of New South Wales) *** Jennifer Turpin and Michaela Crawford (Artists)

Weitere Informationen:

Kurzbeschreibung: The Sydney Environment Institute and colleagues from the University of Bonn in Germany will hold a joint workshop at the University of Sydney on 21-22 August 2017. Broadly, we propose to discuss the challenging new ideas and forms of human engagement with nature that have emerged on our planet in recent times.

In particular, we will explore how approaches to protecting wilderness, halting animal and plant extinctions, and the rewilding of damaged environments are coping with the impacts of the unprecedented environmental changes of Anthropocene climate change, political-economic inequality, and urban spread. As well, we will examine case-studies of policies and remedies within both the southern and northern hemispheres that are currently being advanced or implemented to meet these challenges.


Schlagworte: Biodiversität
