Titel: Biobanking, Big Data Research and the Remaking of Medicine
Korenlei 10
9000 Ghent
Referenten: Prof. Petra De Sutter (Ghent University Hospital; Faculty of Medicine Ghent University; Senator & MP Council of Europe) *** Prof. Eric Mortier (CEO of Ghent University Hospital) *** Prof. Sigrid Sterckx (Bioethics Institute Ghent, Ghent University & Research Associate, Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies, Oxford University) *** Marc Martens (Partner and Co-Head, International Life Sciences and Healthcare group, Bird & Bird) *** Prof. Donna Dickenson (Professor Emeritus University of London) *** Prof. Jonathan Herring (Law Faculty, Oxford University) *** Bart Vannieuwenhuyse (Senior Director Health Information Sciences, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)) *** Dr Brent Mittelstadt (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford) *** Brian Earp (Associate Director, Yale-Hastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy, Yale University, New Haven & The Hastings Center, New York) *** Prof. John Ioannidis (School of Medicine & co-Director, Meta-Research Innovation Center, Stanford University) *** Prof. Johan Decruyenaere (Department of Internal Medicine, Ghent University & President, Platform for Medical Innovation, Ghent University Hospital) *** Prof. Sigrid Sterckx (Bioethics Institute Ghent)
Weitere Informationen:
Bioethics Institute Ghent
Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Ghent University
Blandijnberg 2
B-9000 Ghent