Titel: Institutional Pathologies. What Can We Learn from Severely Malfunctioning Economic and Political Organizations, Institutions and Networks?
Referenten: Keynote Lectures: Heikki J. Koskinen (University of Helsinki, philosophy) *** Harmut Rosa (University of Jena, sociology) *** Rasmus Johnsen (Copenhagen Business School, management)
Weitere Informationen:
http://winir.org/?page=sponsorships&side=sponsored_symposia&sub=witten ...
There is a growing research literature dealing with dysfunctional organizations within economics and political science. But the topic of "social” or “institutional pathologies" also finds increasing attention within social psychology, social philosophy and other disciplines. The conference seeks to improve our theoretical understanding of pathologies in a variety of different institutions both formal and informal as well as in networks whose structural and functional properties may differ from the general features of organizations. Objects of research include political, scientific, medical, bureaucratic, artistic, military, and media institutions, organizations and networks. This is not only a scientifically demanding task. Moreover: Normative and evaluative questions cannot be avoided, and must be grounded and justified, in discourses about institutional pathologies.
The 4th Witten Conference on Institutional Change aims to identify promising interdisciplinary approaches (in economics, social philosophy, political science, social science, psychology, theoretical medicine, legal studies and other relevant disciplines) with a view to progress towards the synthesis and integration of empirical research, theory construction and modelling of institutional pathologies.
The conference will take place at Witten/Herdecke University and is planned for two full days. There will be an informal get-together at the evening of 31 January and a conference dinner at 1 February. In addition to regular sessions, there will be three keynote lectures and a round table. Depending on the number and quality of submissions, a poster session with additional papers may be organized.
Witten/Herdecke University
(Universität Witten/Herdecke)
Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50
58448 Witten