Titel: EurSafe Congress 2018: Professionals in Food Chains. Ethics, Roles and Responsibilities
Termin: 13.6.2018 bis 16.6.2018
Unit of Ethics and Human-Animal-Studies
University of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinaerplatz 1
1210 Vienna
Referenten: Plenary Speakers: Clare Palmer (Professor of Philosophy and Cornerstone Fellow in Liberal Arts, Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University) *** Stephen May (Professor of Equine Medicine and Surgery and Deputy Principal at the Royal Veterinary College) *** Daniela Battaglia (Livestock Production Officer in the Animal Production and Health Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)) *** Vincent Blok (Associate Professor in Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics and responsible innovation at the Management Studies Chair Group, and Associate Professor in Philosophy of Management, Technology & Innovation at the Philosophy Chair Group, Wageningen University)
Weitere Informationen:
EurSAFE 2018 is a forum for discussion of ethical issues around food, including production, consumption, marketing, policy and health. The future perspective and the utopian tradition as a driving force and inspiration for changes in society are central to the congress. However, general contributions to agricultural, animal and food ethics are also welcome.
The EurSafe 2018 Congress in Vienna will focus on the role of professionals and professions in the food chain. Within the public debate surrounding food it is often argued that the key to meeting current challenges is changing consumer behaviour. Professionals and practitioners like farmers, retailers, veterinarians, or researchers are only in the limelight when the media report on so called “food scandals”. To better understand and get to grips with current and future problems in the food chain, it is essential that we pay greater attention to the role and position of professionals. Different expectations and interests lead to challenging and complex situations for all parties trying to understand the nature of the problems. Additionally, participating players act in different areas of responsibility and are subject to professional values and constructions of virtues, as well as expectations about their expertise. Therefore, the prominent questions are: What are the main ethical challenges for the professionals in the food chain? Who within this complex field holds responsibility for emerging issues? What does it mean for the food-related professions to work in a field of immense social tension? Which virtues are necessary to do a proper job?
The EurSafe Congress 2018 welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines, including philosophy, agricultural science, law, economics, and sociology. The topics of the Congress will range from fundamental issues in ethics to veterinary medicine, from transparency in the food chain to animal welfare. We welcome papers that use case studies to expose problem areas and suggest guidelines on how to deal with them
Congress topics include:
- Professional Roles and Responsibility: General Issues
- Sustainable Food Chains
- Novel Approaches in Food Production Systems
- Food Politics: Policy and Legislation
- Media, Transparency, and Trust
- Ethics of Consumption
- Veterinary Ethics
- Teaching and Research Ethics
- Food, aquaculture, agriculture and animal ethics
You are welcome to submit abstracts for oral or poster. We welcome contributions on the topics above as well as general topics on food ethics, aquaculture ethics, agriculture ethics and animal ethics. We are also open to make room for workshops upon request during the conference. Furthermore we explicitly welcome practitioners’ contribution with non- scientific background.
Talking and thinking about food, consumption and about professions, which are involved in the whole process of production of Austrian specialty like Sacher cake, Viennese schnitzel or Mozartkugel is a highly debated discussion in Austria, and we welcome you to join this tradition in June 2018!
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
(Vetmeduni Vienna)
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Wien
+43 1 42 771-17677
Schlagworte: Lebensmittel, Naturphilosophie, Ökologische Ethik, Tierethik