Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Issues in Medical Epistemology

Termin: 14.12.2017, 9:00 Uhr, bis 16.12.2017, 17:30 Uhr

Stadthotel am Römerturm
St. Apern Str. 32
50667 Colgne

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Kurzbeschreibung: Starting in ancient Greece,medicine and Philosophy can look back at a long history of mutual interaction and enrichment, even if the professionalization of a philosophy of medicine with its own set of problems and methods had to wait until the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, especially central metaphysical and ethical question enjoyed considerable interest among many philosophers of medicine.

In recent years however, the situation has changed again and an increasing number of philosophers have devoted their attention to what they call an "epistemological turn" in current philosophy of medicine. More and more especially younger philosophers count themselves as specialists and active contributors to the broad and growing field of medical epistemology. Medical epistemology is meanwhile well on its way to address and discuss new methodological developments and substantial epistemological presuppositions which will shape recent and future trends toward both evidence-based and patient-centered medicine. At the conference we will explore an extensive set of problematics and theories based on this issue.

Kontakt: Universität zu Köln
Philosopisches Seminar
50923 Köln
Tel.: +49 221 470 2213

Veranstalter: CONCEPT - Cologne Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition
