Titel: International Research Conference Robophilosophy 2018 / TRANSOR 2018: Envisioning Robots in Society—Politics, Power, and Public Space
Termin: 14.2.2018 bis 17.2.2018
Referenten: Plenary speakers (confirmed): Joanna Bryson (Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, UK) *** Hiroshi Ishiguro (Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, Osaka University, Japan) *** Guy Standing (Basic Income Earth Network and School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK) *** Catelijne Muller (Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence, European Economic and Social Committee) *** Robert Trappl (Head of the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Austria) *** Simon Penny (Department of Art, University of California, Irvine) *** Raja Chatila (IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in AI and Automated Systems, Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France) *** Josef Weidenholzer (Member of the European Parliament, domains of automation and digitization) *** Oliver Blendel (Institute for Information Systems, FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)
Weitere Informationen:
The European Parliament has called for national ethical and legal councils to support decision making on the profound and comprehensive disruptions that automation will likely engender—"without stifling innovation" while keeping ethical and cultural values in view. This is a crucial signal to policy-makers that economic considerations alone must not prevail. It is also a signal for researchers, policy makers, engineers, and corporations to realize that they jointly share the burden of responsibility for shaping the course of the ‘robot revolution’.
The conference Robophilosophy 2018 – Envisioning Robots In Society: Politics, Power, And Public Space has three main aims; it shall:
- present interdisciplinary Humanities research in and on social robotics that can inform policy making and political agendas, critically and constructively
- investigate how academia and the private sector can work hand in hand to assess benefits and risks of future production formats and employment conditions.
- explore how research in the Humanities, including art and art research, in the social and human sciences, can contribute to imagining and envisioning the potentials of future social interactions in the public space.
Robophilosophy 2018 – Envisioning Robots In Society: Politics, Power, And Public Space is the third event in the biennial Robophilosophy Conference Series which facilitates robophilosophy, a new area of interdisciplinary applied research in philosophy, robotics, and other disciplines in the Humanities, social and human sciences. The event with gather researchers, artists, representatives from politics, and actors of the private sector to create constructive dialogue and concrete collaborations on the joint task of envisioning robots in human societies.
Veranstalter: Aarhus University
Schlagworte: Technikethik