Titel: “Publish or Perish!” Intensive course on research and publishing in bioethics
Krakow, Poland
Weitere Informationen:
For all those who want to conduct research and write papers on bioethical issues. Students, PhD candidates, and young researchers from diverse professional backgrounds, such as nursing, medicine, philosophy and theology, as well as health care administration, public health and law, who think about doing research and publishing in a broad field of bioethics, should consider participation in this course.
What do I get?
You get skills and knowledge. The main goal of this course is to enhance your skills in doing research and writing research papers. The course gives you not only practical knowledge and information, but also allows to practice and master your writing skills. The lectures, discussion and exercises will concern the key elements of research project: writing a research proposal, designing a research plan, choosing a journal, writing a paper, dealing with reviewer and promoting your work through social media. A detailed program can be find below.
Jan Piasecki
Veranstalter: The workshop is a result of collaboration between the University of Leuven (Belgium) and the Jagiellonian University Medical College (Poland)., , The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law of the University of Leuven is a research institute consisting of approximately 20 researchers working on ethical and legal challenges in healthcare and biomedical research. Its staff coordinates the Master of Bioethics a one year advanced master’s program. Since 2000 more than 260 students from 70 different countries have studied bioethics in Leuven. At least one in three of the students that has graduated from the program have gone on to work on a research project or undertake a doctoral degree. Many graduates also teach bioethics courses, in various settings, and other alumni have taken up roles as clinical ethicists, in research ethics committees, or in governmental or policy advisory functions., , Department of Philosophy and Bioethics offers many undergraduate and graduate courses for all students of the Jagiellonian University Medical College. The department also conducts several research projects concerning wide range of bioethical problems.