Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: 2018 BROCHER SUMMER ACADEMY: "Ethics and nicotine: moral dimensions of harm reduction within global tobacco control"

Termin: 28.5.2018 bis 1.6.2018

Fondation Brocher
Route d'Hermance 471
CP 21 CH
1248 Hermance

Weitere Informationen: ...

Kurzbeschreibung: The biennial Summer Academy in the Ethics of Global Population Health is hosted by the Brocher Foundation on the shores of Lake Geneva, introducing faculty, officials, and advanced graduate students to population-level bioethics. This fast-developing academic field addresses ethical questions in population and global health.

Smoking has long ranked first among preventable risk factors for premature mortality worldwide. Since the start of the 21st century, rates of cigarette smoking have declined in developed countries, the WHO has adopted its Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), and a growing number of developing countries are adopting anti-smoking measures. These encouraging developments were made possible by a unified tobacco control field, in which scientists, activists and officials have worked together towards the common goal of eliminating tobacco smoking. However, even accounting for these recent achievements, WHO estimates that smoking will kill one billion people before the end of this century if current trends persist, a staggering global health toll.

The call for application remains open until March 31th.

Kontakt: Fondation Brocher
Route d'Hermance 471
CP 21 CH
1248 Hermance
Tel.: +41 (0) 22 751 93 93
Fax: +41 (0) 22 751 93 91
