Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context

Termin: 4.6.2018, 9:00 Uhr, bis 8.6.2018, 17:00 Uhr

University of Lucerne
Faculty of Theology
Institute of Social Ethics ISE
Frohburgstrasse 3
6002 Lucerne

Referenten: Rabbi Jehoschua Ahrens (Co-Initiator of the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity and SNSF PhD student, University of Lucerne) *** Prof. Dr. Rana Alsoufi (Assistant Professor for Islamic Theology, University of Lucerne) *** Jakob Brossmann (Director of the multi-award-winning film “Lampedusa in Winter”) *** Prof. Dr. Boudewijn de Bruin (Professor of Financial Ethics, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen) *** Nia Cuero (Head of Institutional Partnerships of Wasser für Wasser (WfW)) *** Prof. Dr. Surya Deva (Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong; Chair of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights) *** Joel Dickenmann (Co-Director Switzerland of Wasser für Wasser (WfW)) *** Samia Haimoura (Founder and CEO of Securella) *** Prof. Dr. Jennifer Herdt (Gilbert L. Stark Professor of Divinity and Professor of Religious Studies, Yale Divinity School, Yale University) *** Cilia Kanellopoulos (Head of Social Innvoation, Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications) *** Prof. Dr. Adrian Loretan (Chair of Canon Law and Law-and-Religion; Co-Director of the Center of Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion, University of Lucerne) *** Fatima Mukaddam (Federal Excellence Scholar at the Chair of Canon Law and State-Church Law, University of Lucerne) *** Prof. Dr. Laura Palazzani (Professor of Philosophy of Law and Biolaw, Lumsa University in Rome; Member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee; Member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies of the EU Commission) *** Prof. Dr. Mutuma Ruteere (Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies Nairobi; UN-Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance) *** Stefania Schenk Vitale (Interpreter of the multi-award-winning film “Lampedusa in Winter”) *** Prof. Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs (Economist and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He serves as special advisor to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on the objectives of sustainable development and is Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network) *** Prof. Dr. Bruno Staffelbach (Rector of the University of Lucerne) *** Martina Tollkühn, Dipl. theol. (Scientific Assistant at the Chair of Canon Law and State-Church Law, University of Lucerne) *** Prof. Dr. Jakob von Uexkull (Founder and Chair of the World Future Council and founder of the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award)) *** Prof. Dr. Robert Vorholt (Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne) *** Reto Wyss (Member of the Government, Canton Lucerne)

Weitere Informationen: ...

Kurzbeschreibung: Who is responsible for stopping and preventing climate change? What can be done against global inequality and poverty? Can universal norms (e.g. human rights) be justified? How can global justice be linked with local traditions, cultural diversity and values based on religion and world views? Which chances and challenges arise for society from an ethical perspective as a result of the growing use of artificial intelligence and increasing digitization and robotization? Present and future generations are confronted with these and similar ethical challenges on a local, national, regional and global level. Ethics affects every facet of human being and activity. In science and research, all disciplines are confronted with ethical issues.

"Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context" is organized under the patronage of UNESCO and enables those active in the fields of science and research to examine moral questions and ethical topics of today and tomorrow in a global context – beyond the boundaries of academic fields, cultures, traditions, religions and world views – and to search together for solutions and the possibilities of implementing them. This involves critical analysis, constructive discussions and the consideration of different perspectives.

This practical and action-oriented dialog forms an ideal breeding ground for nurturing a constantly expanding, global network of committed decision makers of today and the future who exchange knowledge, advise, work together and carry out joint research. The guiding principle of this endeavor is "Know how, act now".

Applicants who wish to participate in the “Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context” must apply by March 15, 2018.

Kontakt: Juliette Wyler
University of Lucerne
Faculty of Theology
Institute of Social Ethics ISE
Frohburgstrasse 3
Postfach 4466
6002 Lucerne
Tel.: +41 41 229 52 27
