Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: International Conference 2018

Termin: 4.6.2018, 10:30 Uhr, bis 6.6.2018, 14:00 Uhr

Château de Bossey
Vaud, Switzerland

Weitere Informationen:

Kurzbeschreibung: is organising the 2018 International Conference with the aim to embed ethics more deeply into society through higher education institutions. Participants will benefit from resources for ethics education and exchange with colleagues and experts.

Ethics in higher education strengthens values-driven decisions, behaviour and actions of teachers, students and leadersin order to build stronger institutions just, peaceful and sustainable societies led by leaders with integrity. Furthermore, advancing ethics in higher education contributes to the achievement of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4 and with UNESCO's World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century.

The main target group for this conference are teachers, policy makers, research fellows, vice-chancellors, ethics and scientific institutions, consultants, NGOs, IGOs and other stakeholders.

The beneficiaries are students and society as a whole, teachers and other education professionals and institutions as agents of positive and ethical change in society.

Join us to:
- Promote ETHICS for Empowerment, Transformation, Holistic development, Integrity, Competence and Sustainability.
- Create a platform for exchange and learning on the latest academic developments, products and practical tools with solutions to ethical issues in the higher education sector.

Get the opportunity to:
- Share your expertise (as an academic or professional) on managing and/or teaching ethics in higher education in a global environment.
- Present your paper, join the plenary, panels and workgroups for effective practice and sharing with other education professionals.
- (Re)connect with peers, discover potential partners and meet clients.

Kontakt: - Head Office
150, route de Ferney
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel.: +41 22 791 62 49
Fax: +41 22 791 66 23
