Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: 20th Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC20): "Bioethics for Inter-religious and Inter-cultural Understanding and Health."

Termin: 22.11.2019, 9:00 Uhr, bis 25.11.2019, 21:00 Uhr

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Referenten: Prof. Ravichandran Moorthy (UKM, Malaysia) *** Prof. Bang-ook Jun (GWJU, Korea) *** Prof. Darryl Macer (President American University of Sovereign Nations, USA) *** Prof. Hasan Erbay (Turkey) *** Prof. Cong Yali (China) *** Prof. Aruna Sivakami (India) *** Prof. Endang Sukara (Indonesia) *** Prof. Nader Ghotbi (Japan) *** Prof. Manjae Kim (Korea) *** Prof. Latifah Amin (Malaysia) *** Prof. Irina Pollard (Australia) *** Prof. Angelica Baylon or Prof. Marlon Lofredo (Philippines) *** Prof. Ananya Tritipthumrongchok (Thailand) *** Dr. Sumaira Khowaja-Punjwani (Pakistan) *** Prof. Duujian Tsai (Taiwan) *** Prof. Firuza Nasyrova (Tajikstan) *** Professor Leonard Le Blanc III (USA) *** Dr. Gregor Wolbring (Canada) *** Dr. Rainer Ebert (USA)

Weitere Informationen:

Kurzbeschreibung: It is our great honor to welcome you to the Twentieth Asian Bioethics Conference (ABC20) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS) is the pioneer in bioethics has been promoting integrity for sustainable development of Bangladesh since the beginning of the 21st century. These actions reflect the nation’s effort as a member of the global community in developing science and biotechnology as well as in societal reform for protecting civil rights in ethical, legal, and social senses. The conference brings together scholars and policy makers from many disciplines all around the world (beyond just Asia and the Pacific) to discuss and deliberate on the latest issues facing humanity.
ABC 20 will be organized by Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS) in the cooperation with Asian Bioethics Association (ABA) and Eubios Ethics Institute, Thailand, New Zeeland’s and Japan. It provides opportunity for all scholars around the world to gather feedback on their research, maximize networking opportunities, and learn the latest news and information and methodologies on bioethics. The first Asian Bioethics Association Conference was held in 1995 in Beijing.

Kontakt: Prof. Shamima Parvin Lasker PhD
Professor & Head
Dept of Anatomy
MH Samorita Medical College
Dhaka, Bangladesh
117 Love Road, Tejgoan
Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh
Tel.: 88-01712522627
