Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: EACME Webinar Clinical Ethics "What means 'Expertise' in Clinical Ethics?"

Beginn: 24.6.2021, 17:00 -18:30 Uhr

Online , Niederlande

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Kurzbeschreibung: Outline of the idea: Clinical ethics has become quite professionalized in recent years. And, there are
guidelines in many countries on what clinical ethicists should do and how. Still, there is always one
question that remains somewhat unaddressed: the question of the exact expertise of the clinical
ethicist. What must he or she be able to do? What knowledge, methods and attitude must he or she
exactly possess? This thorny question deserves more academic attention. That is why we turn to it in
this webinar. We approach this question by turning to the question of rather extreme cases: do we
need to do things differently in a post-communitarian country (Aluas) or how can the expertise of the
clinical ethicist assert itself politically (Bouthillier)? Then we ask about the relationship between ethics
and quality (Haltaufderheide) and what exactly a “good” expertise in clinical ethics could be (Forde).

Kontakt: Kim Zandvliet
VU University Medical Center Amsterdam
Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities
Van der Boechorststraat 7
1081 BT Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Schlagworte: Medizinische Ethik
