Deutsches Referenzzentrum für Ethik in den Biowissenschaften (DRZE)

Titel: Rigi Workshop 2024: Exploring Epigenetics. Interdisciplinary insights beyond DNA sequence

Termin: 28.1.2024, 13:00 Uhr, bis 30.1.2024, 16:00 Uhr

Hotel Rigi Kulm
CH-6410 Rigi Kulm

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Kurzbeschreibung: Epigenetics is a broadly used term for phenomena that alter gene expression without altering the DNA itself. It describes the regulation of our genes, how they can be influenced by our environment, and how this regulation can be inherited between cells and generations. This intersection between information coded in DNA sequence, transmitted by factors associated with DNA, and provided by the environment is fascinating from a mechanistic point of view. It also provides insights into how our genes interact with external influences, potentially offering new ways to prevent or treat diseases, improve crop yields, and understand complex behaviors and brain functions.

The Rigi workshop 2024 on epigenetics invites its participants to dive into the intricate mechanisms and implications of epigenetic phenomena. By fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue, the event aims to bridge gaps between different disciplines of epigenetic research. Participants will explore how epigenetics impacts plant breeding, behavioral traits, brain development, evolution, synaptic plasticity, cognition, and neurological disorders. The workshop will offer interdisciplinary approaches to investigating and analyzing societal and technological impacts of epigenetics and will feature lectures delivered by leading experts, group discussions, and sharing of group and individual work in the form of poster and oral presentations.

Kontakt: SCNAT
Plattform Biologie
Haus der Akademien
CH-3001 Bern
Tel.: +41 31 306 93 35

Schlagworte: Biodiversität, Forschungsethik, Gesundheitswesen, Lebensmittel, Medizinische Ethik, Ökologische Ethik
